What is Amazon Brand Analytics?| SagaReach

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Amazon Brand Analytics is a tool that helps online retailers identify their top selling products and the level of engagement with customers. This process allows for better product placement, promotions, pricing strategies and customer service.

Amazon Brand Analytics is a service that allows businesses to track their brand’s performance on Amazon. This service can be used by sellers, brands and marketers. SagaReach is an Amazon Vendor Central partner. Read more in detail here: amazon brand analytics vendor central.

What is Amazon Brand Analytics?| SagaReach

Amazon is a digital Mecca in the world of eCommerce. Amazon now accounts for over half of all eCommerce sales (45%). 1  

Winning on Amazon is crucial for businesses and merchants. However, with more than 9.7 million vendors vying for first place—and new merchants joining every day—doing so is easier said than done. 

So, how can merchants, particularly smaller businesses, stand out in an overcrowded market?  

The solution is Amazon brand analytics. Here’s how you can use it to your advantage. 

What is Amazon Brand Analytics, and how does it work?

Amazon is continuously creating new services to help vendors engage with customers. In 2019, Amazon released its Brand Analytics tool, which is only accessible to Brand Owners (the seller who is: 

  • a brand employee on the inside; and 
  • Responsibilities include selling the brand’s items on Amazon.  

“Brand Analytics is a tool that provides significant data to help Brand Owners to make educated, strategic choices about their product range and marketing campaigns,” according to Seller Central2. Brand Analytics may be seen under Seller Central’s Reports page.”

It offers six different sorts of comprehensive analytics reports, which we’ll go over in depth below. They include the following: 

  1. Report on Amazon’s Search Terms
  2. Report on Demographics
  3. Report on Item Comparisons
  4. Report on a Different Purchase
  5. Report on the Market Basket
  6. Report on Recurring Purchases

You will need to be authenticated as a brand owner if you do not have access to Brand Analytics. To identify yourself and receive access, go to the Brand Benefit Eligibility page. Simply examine the qualifying conditions, create an Amazon Brand Registry account, and enroll your brand.  

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Report on Amazon Search Terms

Keywords are crucial for your brand’s SEO efforts on Google, as you probably know. The same may be said about Amazon. How you promote and place text for similar goods is influenced by what customers put in while searching for products.  

The Search Term Report from Amazon gives invaluable information into customer search activity throughout the short and long term. The following topics are covered in detail in the reports:

  • The most common search phrases during a period of time
  • The frequency of searches for each phrase is ranked.
  • Customers clicked on the top three goods after searching for the keyword
  • Each product’s proportion of clicks and conversions  

In a similar vein, users may search for a certain phrase and then evaluate the goods that Amazon shoppers click on as a result of their search. They may also utilize a search engine to seek up certain items to see what phrases are being used. 

The following are the six primary points covered in this report: 

  • the name of the product — According to the product’s Amazon Standard Identification Number, this is the title of the product (ASIN)
  • The word or keyword phrase that the Amazon consumer used to seek for a product is known as the search term. 
  • SFR (search frequency rank) — A numeric ranking of a term’s popularity in comparison to all other search keywords over a certain time period. This shows how popular a keyword is in comparison to similar search phrases. 
  • The total number of times a consumer clicked on a particular product for a search query divided by the total number of times a customer clicked on any sort of product for a search keyword is known as the click share.
  • Conversion share — The percentage of consumers who bought a particular product for that search phrase divided by the total number of customers who bought anything for that search term. 
  • Clicked ASINs – These are the goods that earned the most clicks from consumers for a certain term, whether organically or via a paid ad.  

An Amazon vendor may use this information to: 

  • Optimize your listings and pay-per-click advertising.
  • Make a manual campaign 
  • Recognize consumer trends and patterns of behavior.
  • Improve customer personas 
  • Backend search phrases should be improved.

Report on Amazon Demographics 

Knowing your consumer is a crucial component of marketing and sales. A single male college student’s purchases and responses to messages will be very different from a married mother of three. 

  1. The Amazon demographics report helps merchants figure out who their ideal customer is and how to promote to them most effectively. It includes both tables and bar graphs that display the following data: 
  2. a demographic indicator
  3. The total number of distinct buyers that bought a goods.
  4. Customers who are one-of-a-kind as a proportion of all customers 
  5. Product sales that have been ordered 
  6. As a proportion of total sales, ordered product sales 
  7. Units ordered in total
  8. Each demographic segment’s units are ranked as a proportion of the total. 

This report’s greatest value to sellers comes from the changing demographic metric. You may make adjustments based on the following factors: 

  • Sales by age group – Amazon divides this category into six buyer subgroups so you can observe which age groups react to your product or campaign the best. 
  • You may discover where the buyer fits into one of the nine socioeconomic status groups by looking at sales per family income.  
  • Education status – Amazon gives information on a customer’s level of education, which might affect how you sell to them. 
  • You can tell if the goods was bought by a guy or a woman by looking at the gender. 
  • Sellers can discover if their product is more popular with single persons or married couples based on their marital status. 

Demographic data may help you get a better idea of who your typical customer is. This enables you to generate rich customer profiles, target messages and advertisements, and improve your sales and marketing funnel. 

Report on Item Comparisons 

The item comparison report displays the five most popular goods that consumers saw within 24 hours after seeing your product listing, as well as the proportion of customers that saw each product.  

The following metrics are used in the comparative report: 

  • ASIN compared to – The ASIN to which your product was compared.
  • Compared percentage – The number of times a product has been seen on the same day as yours. 
  • Alternative purchase behavior – This enables you to observe what competitors’ items people purchased after viewing yours.
  • Purchased percentage – The proportion of orders with the ASIN compared to total orders with alternative items. 

Amazon3 claims that “This gives Rights Owners immediate access to rival goods, allowing them to make more informed product portfolio and advertising choices.” 

Report on a Different Purchase 

The alternative purchase report, similar to the item comparison report, shows you the top five most commonly bought goods instead of your own. It also shows the proportion of time each product was used as an alternate product of choice. 

It, like the comparative report, employs the parameters mentioned above while additionally allowing you to filter the report by:

  • ASIN
  • Brand
  • Category
  • Subcategory
  • Term for search 

According to Search Engine Journal,4 “You’ll get detailed statistics in the form of a percentage indicating how often your product is compared to the top comparable goods. It allows us to see what ASIN people are looking at and how quickly they are buying the rival goods.”

Report on the Market Basket

The market basket report is generally regarded as one of the most significant brand analytics tools, particularly when it comes to analyzing consumer behavior and improving paid ad campaigns. 

What is the mechanism behind it? 

This report displays the top three goods that consumers bought most often at the same time as your own. Products that were acquired in a proportional amount to your own might be regarded complimentary, allowing you to cross-market or package them. You may filter by the following key metrics: 

  • ASIN
  • Product title
  • #1 ASIN purchased
  • Purchased Title No. 1
  • Combination No. 1
  • #2 I bought an ASIN.
  • #2 Title Purchased
  • Combination number two
  • #3 I bought an ASIN.
  • #3 Title Purchased
  • Combination #3

This information may assist you in developing new sponsored goods campaigns. Furthermore, if your items are purchased in tandem via PPC ads, they are more likely to appear in the “Customers who bought this item also bought” area.  

Report on Recurring Purchases

Many things are designed to be bought again and over again. To be successful in this area, you must not only persuade consumers to purchase the goods for the first time, but also to keep their loyalty. Such consumers are often retargeted in order to make a second purchase. 

This report displays the total number of orders received for each product or brand, as well as the percentage of those orders that are unique customers. The following metrics are displayed: 

  • ASIN
  • Product Name
  • Orders
  • Customers who are different from the rest
  • Revenue from repeat purchases 

You may also select things that have the greatest possibility of being repurchased if you’re wanting to learn more about your products. This knowledge might lead to you investing more money in first conversions or bidding more for associated key phrases.  

With Power Digital, you can better understand your brand. 

Without consumer data, optimizing your sales and marketing funnel is like to driving a vehicle blindfolded. You could get where you need to go, but the odds of arriving in one piece are slim. 

Amazon Brand Analytics is a free tool that you should use to maximize the return on each product and marketing plan. 

But what if you have no idea how to accomplish it? 

That is why you have come. Our objective at Power Digital is to help you get the most out of your Amazon analytics and marketing efforts. Our team of professionals can assist you in interpreting the data and developing a strategy. 

So, how does it look? To learn more about our digital marketing services, please contact us. 



  1. Statista. Amazon’s global net revenue from 2014 through 2020, broken down each product group. https://www.statista.com/statistics/672747/amazons-consolidated-net-revenue-by-segment/
  2. Brand Analytics. Seller Central. https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/external/H2Z5B4HMF5ZXCG2
  3. Amazon Seller Central is a place where you may sell your products on Amazon Report on Item Comparison. https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/external/help.html?itemID=AMDGB7M5HJQD3WX&language=en US&ref=efph AMDGB7M5HJQD3WX cont H2Z5B4HMF5ZXCG2
  4. Journal of Search Engines Getting the Most Out of Your Amazon Sales with Amazon Brand Analytics https://www.searchenginejournal.com/amazon-brand-analytics/370134/#close

Amazon Brand Analytics is a tool that helps brands understand their own performance across Amazon. Brands can use the tool to see what products are selling well, what people are buying and more. Reference: amazon brand view pro.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Amazon brand registry do?

A: Amazon brand registry is a company that provides services to help you register your trademark in the United States, Europe or around the world. They provide multiple levels of service such as registering trademarks and providing advice on granting permission for use.

How do I read Amazon analytics?

A: To read Amazon analytics, you need to log into your account and select Analytics as an option on the left hand side of the page. You will then be given a link that takes you to a page with many different pieces of data.

What is brand analytics report on Amazon?

A: A brand analytics report is a detailed breakdown of how the company has performed in comparison to similar companies. Brands use these reports as a way to see how they are performing and change their strategies accordingly.

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