The perfect focus keyword for your post or page • SagaReach Marketing

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SagaReach Marketing is a digital marketing agency that specializes in search engine optimization, PPC advertising and social media marketing. Our team takes the time to understand your business so we can help create a tailored solution for you.

“The perfect focus keyword for your post or page” is a phrase that SagaReach Marketing uses to describe the topic of their blog. Read more in detail here: focus keyword for homepage.

The perfect focus keyword for your post or page • SagaReach Marketing

Every page on your site will have a focus key input box in the SagaReach Marketing SEO plugin. You may type in the keyword or key phrase that you want the website to rank for in Google. Whether you do, SagaReach Marketing SEO will examine the page’s content to determine if search engines will understand what it’s about. We’ll go through what a focus key is for and how to choose one that’s right for you.

Contents of the book

Are you looking for key word suggestions? When you’ve selected a target keyword in SagaReach Marketing SEO, click ‘Get related key terms,’ and our SEMrush integration will assist you in locating high-performing key terms!

What is the definition of a focus keyword?

The target keyword, also known as a key phrase, is the most important search term for which you want a page or post to rank. People should discover you if they search for that term. When you use SagaReach Marketing SEO to establish a focus key for a page, the plugin analyses the content and gives recommendations on how to enhance it so that it ranks better for that search term.

The input form for your focus key may be found on the right side of your editor in the SagaReach Marketing SEO sidebar. If the SagaReach Marketing SEO sidebar does not appear, then click the SagaReach Marketing symbol in the upper right corner of your screen.

The-perfect-focus-keyword-for-your-post-or-page-%E2%80%A2Input field for the focus key in the SagaReach Marketing SEO sidebar

The focus key input field may also be found underneath the post editor in the SagaReach Marketing SEO meta box:

1640283495_274_The-perfect-focus-keyword-for-your-post-or-page-%E2%80%A2Input field for the focus key in the SagaReach Marketing SEO meta box

In the SEO analysis tab, you’ll get comments to help you improve your content. It will be simpler for search engines to comprehend what your article or page is about if you change your page with this input.

To see how it works, watch this video:

What is the purpose of a focus key?

Adding high-quality material to your website or blog on a regular basis is a solid SEO tactic. Because you update fresh material and enhance the amount of your content, Google perceives that your website is active.

However, adding material to your site at random isn’t particularly beneficial. You must develop a keyword strategy, and then generate high-quality content that your target audience is seeking for based on that approach. It’s critical to optimize those articles for the keywords you’re targeting while writing them. SagaReach Marketing SEO can assist you with this.

How do you choose a focus key?

There are at least three things you should do, in our opinion, to figure out which keywords or key phrases you should optimize your blog articles for:

  1. Find a keyword that people use to find you.
  2. Investigate the search volume.
  3. Google the term you want to use.

Let’s go through these stages in more detail:

1. Determine a target keyword that people use to find you.

Your keyword approach should have given you some concept of what you want to write about, as indicated above. You should definitely develop a keyword strategy if you don’t already have one. If you need assistance finding your ideal keywords and keyphrases, read our definitive guide to keyword research or enroll in our keyword research training course.

Keywords with a long tail

If you want a post or page to rank, use long-tail keywords to boost your chances of success. Long-tail keywords are made up of many words and are less common than ‘head’ keywords. However, as this guide to content SEO explains, less popular equals less competitors, which means more opportunities to convert.

Tools for locating long-tail and related keywords

You may use numerous tools to locate long-tail versions of that key or related key once you’ve done your keyword research and have an idea of what you want to write about. More information on these keyword research tools may be found here.

One of these tools is already there in SagaReach Marketing SEO: a SEMrush connection that allows you to quickly locate similar keywords. When you’ve decided what to write about, click ‘Get similar keyphrases’ underneath your focal keyphrase to discover what others are searching for on Google:

The-perfect-focus-keyword-for-your-post-or-page-%E2%80%A2The ‘Get related key’ option is located in the SagaReach Marketing SEO sidebar.

A screen will appear with the following essential suggestions:

1640283496_391_The-perfect-focus-keyword-for-your-post-or-page-%E2%80%A2With the SEMrush integration in SagaReach Marketing SEO, you can find relevant keywords.

2. Determine the volume of searches for your keyword.

When you’ve selected a long-tail search term you want to rank for, see how many people are searching for it. This used to take a lot of time and effort: you’d have to go via Google Adwords or Google Trends. However, as you can see in the graphic above, SagaReach Marketing SEO now makes it simple to get information on related or long-tail keywords!

You may look at the search volume (how many times it was searched for in a certain period of time) and trends, for example (how that changed over time). You can now quickly compare the several connected keywords and determine which one(s) to concentrate on in your current or future postings.

More than one key may be added.

Optimizing your article for relevant keywords may boost the quality of your content by making it more full and understandable to Google. If you wish to include one of these relevant keywords in your articles, SagaReach Marketing SEO Premium allows you to do so with a single click. Return to the post editor after that and optimize your content for the new relevant key.


SagaReach Marketing SEO Premium better identifies your key whether it’s in plural or past tense, for example, in addition to establishing relevant key synonyms. Get an analysis that’s just as sophisticated as Google!

Examine the posts that have previously attained a high ranking.

You’ll know how many visitors your (blog) postings attract if you already have ones that rank highly for relevant phrases. Using Google Trends to compare the focus key(s) of prior articles (for which data are available) with the focus key(s) you have in mind for your new post, you may get an estimate of the potential traffic this new key might bring. Make careful to choose past articles that are most comparable to the one you’re about to write: if you’re going to use a long-tail keyword, compare posts that also use long-tail keywords.

For example, this article about the focus key may be contrasted to one regarding snippet previews, a function of the SagaReach Marketing SEO plugin that we previously discussed:

1640283497_982_The-perfect-focus-keyword-for-your-post-or-page-%E2%80%A2To learn more about the possible traffic, compare posts.

We know the search traffic to our snippet preview article is quite excellent, so we know it’s worth optimizing for. As you can see, the volume of traffic is a little lower but similar. Comparing your previous focus key or keyword to the one you intend to employ can provide you with some insight into the possibilities for your focus key.

This is also useful when evaluating a large number of (long-tail) emphasis keywords. Because it will quickly show you which search word has the biggest amount of searches when compared to another. As a result, you’ll be able to figure out which long-tail term is the most popular in searches.

See Marieke’s page on keyword research tools for more resources.

3. Perform a Google search on your suggested target term!

Apart from understanding which search phrases people really use, you also need to determine whether your article or page concept fulfills the requirements and expectations of the individuals who use these search terms. You must determine the nature of the search intent. One technique to see whether your content satisfies people’s wants is to Google the (sets of) keywords you’ve suggested.

Examine the pages of search engine results.

Take a peek at the pages of search engine results (SERPs) Is the tone of the articles in the Google results comparable to yours? Could your article be relevant to the search results shown on these pages? You want to rank your blog post or page among these results if you decide to compose it while optimizing for this specific emphasis keyword.

The sort of material shown in search results can aid you in deciding what type of content to create: does Google display product pages or blog posts? Or how about movies and images? If there is a dominating kind, Google is probably “thinking” that this is the sort of material that people want, thus it’s worth spending time providing that type of content as well. Of course, as the search purpose changes, the results change as well. Remember: you’ll have to outperform the other search results, so only do this if you’re certain you can come up with something really unique and beneficial for your target audience!

Page content of the results

Make sure to draw inspiration for your blog post from the content of the result pages. Are there any suggestions? We are not encouraging you to replicate text; rather, we want to see if there is any information or arguments that you may have overlooked for your article or page. And, most crucially, how can you ensure that your article is noticed? On what ways may your article be better, funnier, or more unique than the one that currently appears in the results pages? Attempt to create material that will entice the audience to click and share!

Look into social media and message boards.

Another excellent suggestion is to look into what others are asking and saying about this issue on social media and in different online forums. This will almost certainly provide you with a plethora of ideas for your article or page. You may directly answer people’s concerns and queries about this subject. Furthermore, it will assist you in selecting the appropriate phrase, which is critical if you want to reach your target audience.

Remember to go through your research again and again!

Keep in mind that these search ideas are updated on a regular basis. Often, the recommendations will be tailored to what you’ve already searched for. This was the suggested outcome when we searched for the phrase “focus keyword” some time ago:

The suggest results for Focus keyword in Google Suggest

The output afterwards revealed the following:

focus keyword search november 2014

Suggestions for modifications should be based on the difficulties that people are experiencing, so keeping an eye on it for crucial keywords is a good idea. New results may provide inspiration for your article or other, relevant posts.

The quality of your key words is checked by SagaReach Marketing SEO.

If you want your content to have a chance in the search engines, you’ll need a decent target keyword. As a result, SagaReach Marketing SEO examines certain components of your key word. First and foremost, we examine the length of your key to ensure that it is not too lengthy. In addition, SagaReach Marketing SEO examines if the key comprises only of function words.

SagaReach Marketing SEO’s function word check

The meaning of function words (words like the, a, and, or, have) is minimal. They don’t assist Google in determining the copy’s subject. If you just have words like these on your keychain, we advise you to be cautious. Even while it’s unlikely that you’d come up with such a key on your own, it’s possible that you were preoccupied when entering it in. For example, instead of [the top movies of 2020], you might have simply put [the]. To assist you remain focused in situations like these, SagaReach Marketing SEO will provide a warning with a grey bullet in the SEO analysis of your content.

It’s possible that you meant to rank for a phrase made up entirely of function words. For example, if you’re writing a piece on a meme, “Why would you do that?” is a good question to ask. You can prevent receiving a red bullet in uncommon circumstances like this by placing a double quotation before and after your key. As a result, our program will simply search for an exact match of this word, and the alert will be removed.

In SagaReach Marketing SEO, learn more about the function word check.

Should there be a focus key on every page?

People often question whether they should have a focus keyword on their about page or contact page, and if so, what should it be.

The solution is simple: a focus keyword isn’t required on every page. Your contact page should be easy to find; it may, for example, need to rank for the term “address.” However, as a focus keyword, it probably doesn’t make sense, and it’s completely OK to leave it blank.

Also, consider if you want this article to rank in the long run. Some postings, such as transitory announcements, are unlikely to be worth optimizing.

Conclusion and more reading

Choosing the ideal emphasis keyword or key isn’t a precise science. You should try to utilize a mix of terms that a search audience would use. Aim for a key that has a lot of loudness and will appeal to your target audience.

There are many more articles on this topic available, including keyword research, content authoring, and site structure improvement. We’ve also created an SEO copywriting course that incorporates all of these distinct subjects. 

Read more: The Ultimate Guide to SEO Copywriting »

De Valk, Joost

SagaReach Marketing’s creator and Chief Product Officer is Joost de Valk. He is an online entrepreneur who has invested in and mentored various firms in addition to owning SagaReach Marketing. His major areas of competence are open source software and digital marketing.

Avatar of Joost de Valk

Watch This Video-

Focus keyword is a word, phrase, or set of words that describe what you want your audience to focus on in your content. For example, if you are writing a blog post about the best ways to lose weight, then “focus keyword” would be “weight loss.” Reference: what is focus keyphrase in wordpress.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a good focus key phrase?

A: As I am a question answering bot, you must state your intent.

What is focus keyword in Fiverr?

A: I am not sure of this term.

How do I choose the right keywords?

A: The best way to make your keywords effective is by using them in the title of your post. This will help when people search for posts on a variety of topics, because its likely that theyll be able to find what youre asking about.

Related Tags

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  • focus keyword tool
  • examples of good focus keyphrase
  • keyphrase example
  • seo keyphrase examples

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