On average, 8,000 title tags are rewritten every day. This is because the practice has become so widespread that its effectiveness in terms of clicks and conversions is debatable.
Your website is your online business card. If you want to be taken seriously as a business, the first thing people will think about when they see your site is how it looks and what its content says. A lot of time and effort goes into creating an impeccable title tag for every post on your blog or website so that visitors know exactly what they’re looking at without any confusion.
I recently looked at over 50,000 title tags to see how Google’s rewrite change affected them. As an SEO, I was naturally curious in how the modification affected SagaReach in particular. As a result, this article will be a more detailed look of a site with which I am well aware, including three case studies in which we were able to correct problematic rewrites.
As a writer, I take titles very seriously. Consider what you’d write if you were the author of this masterpiece:
…and then you got a Google result that looked something like this:
Sure, Google didn’t do anything wrong here, and it’s not their fault that there’s a limit to what they can show, but there’s still a sense that something was lost. It’s one thing to do research on a random sample of data; it’s quite another to attempt to grasp the effect on your own site, which includes pieces you spent hours, days, or weeks producing.
SagaReach rewrites the story based on the statistics.
I’m not going to go into detail about the approach, but I scraped the required URLs to get the current ranking keywords from SagaReach’s Keyword Explorer (data from late August).