Amazon Direct Shipping: A Guide for Sellers

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Amazon Direct Shipping is the service that allows Amazon to collect shipping, handling and packaging costs from sellers. Sellers can use up to $2 for every eligible purchase shipped in a single box by using this service. It’s one of the best ways to increase your sales, but it could also cost you money if not used properly. Here are some things you need to know about Amazon Direct Shipping before doling out any cash or items!

Amazon Direct Shipping is a new program that will allow sellers to ship their products directly to customers. It’s a great way for sellers to save money on shipping and offer freebies.

Amazon Direct Shipping: A Guide for Sellers

Unlike drop shipping, direct shipment avoids the use of traditional distribution channels. In essence, the product owner or firm delivers things directly to the customer, bypassing the need for a wholesaler or merchant to transport the goods. 

Consumers would benefit from this service since they will be able to get an endless amount of freebies sent straight to their door, allowing them to test out a range of new things that they would not have discovered otherwise. 

How does direct shipment, on the other hand, benefit the sellers?

We’ll go over everything you need to know about Amazon Ships Direct in this tutorial, including how it works, why your company should consider it, and how to prevent typical Amazon seller blunders. Continue reading. 

The Basics of Amazon Shipping 

Amazon has over 100 million active customers and over 1.5 million active vendors across the world. 1 With such a broad reach, merchants are justified to be concerned about how shipping costs may affect their bottom line.  

It would be irresponsible for these vendors to depend on delivering their own items to U.S. customers—packages may take weeks to arrive, and the delivery charge would be exorbitant. 

When it comes to transporting their items, sellers have a few options: 2


  • Amazon fulfills orders.
  • Orders that have been completed by a merchant
  • Amazon Direct Shipping

amazon marketing services

Understanding Amazon Fulfillment 

Amazon has more than 150 million square feet of storage space throughout the globe. Amazon’s Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA) program gives independent sellers access to these shelves, as well as Amazon’s customer support, refunds, and automatic Prime eligibility.

Sellers that utilize FBA may operate like a large organization without incurring the costs associated with such a large corporation. 3 As Entrepreneur puts it:

There are a few other methods to use the FBA concept, but private labeling is the most prevalent. The aim is to create a brand or label for your goods, then sell it on Amazon… You’ll have hit the sweet spot if you take the time to research a popular product category, do competitive analysis, read product reviews, and select a product that you can enhance or offer at a higher price.

FBA Specifications

Are you undecided about Amazon FBA? Here are some figures concerning Amazon FBA: 2

  • Costs for Amazon FBA – You may use an Amazon Seller Central tool to estimate your FBA fees. 4 The basic FBA price covers the costs of keeping your goods in Amazon’s warehouse, choosing, packaging, and delivering your orders, as well as providing customer care for items that have been sold. In addition to the cost, there are the following charges:
  • Fees for inventory storage on a monthly basis
  • Fees for long-term storage
  • Fees for removal orders
  • Fees for disposal orders 
  • Fees for processing returns 
  • Service costs that were not anticipated 
  • How Amazon’s fulfillment service works – There are just four processes to Amazon’s fulfillment service: 2
  • Send your merchandise to Amazon, where it will be scanned and made available for purchase.
  • Each Amazon purchase is packaged and sent straight to the customer.
  • Every two weeks, Amazon receives money from customers and sends you the amount. 
  • Questions, returns, and refunds are handled by the Amazon customer support staff (which you pay for). 
  • Other FBA materials — Sellers may find additional tools, including as video lessons and newsletters, in Amazon’s Seller Central. 4 

Orders that have been completed by a merchant

Choosing merchant-fulfilled orders as an alternative to FBA is an option. Simply said, this implies you’re storing and transporting your own goods. 

The following is how it works: 

  • Amazon will charge different delivery fees depending on the kind of purchase.
  • The consumer chooses the shipping service, which is subsequently passed on to the seller in the form of a shipping credit.
  • The seller is responsible for packing items, printing shipping labels, and tracking shipments.

The merchant-fulfilled or FBA model may be more suited to your company’s aims depending on the size and scope of your business and the items you specialize in. 

If you choose with the FBA approach, you’ll need to be able to pay the cost of the service with income in order for your whale to be worthwhile. 

What is Amazon Direct Shipping, and how does it work?

Because of FBA, Amazon Direct Shipping exists. 

Do you recall the various costs connected with Amazon’s FBA service? Independent sellers might find the long-term storage cost to be a genuine pain in the neck, particularly if they have a product that isn’t selling well or quickly enough. 

The long-term storage charge applies if a business’s products are kept in an Amazon warehouse for an extended period of time. Amazon claims that:4

At addition to the monthly inventory storage price, merchandise that has been in a fulfillment center for more than 365 days is charged a monthly long-term storage fee[…] Long-term storage fees of $6.90 per cubic foot or $0.15 per item, whichever is larger, will be applied to inventory that has been at a fulfillment center for more than 365 days.

Monthly and long-term storage costs mount up rapidly, so sellers should clear out their goods as soon as possible before they reach this crucial stage. 

Sellers may utilize Amazon Direct Shipment to get unsold, expensive-to-store product out of the warehouse and into the hands of consumers who have signed up for free direct shipping. 

What Is Amazon Direct Shipping and How Does It Work? 

Amazon facilities are engaged in direct shipment, despite the fact that Amazon as a brand is not. Consumers who have signed up for Amazon’s direct delivery service get freebies straight from Amazon’s fulfillment hubs. 

You may be asking why fulfillment centers are involved. Amazon is still liable for transporting merchants’ stored merchandise since they have already paid for FBA services. To satisfy direct shipment requests, the seller just has to notify Amazon of any free orders and where they should be sent. 

Sellers would often strive to delay emptying their inventory as long as possible in the hopes of seeing an increase in sales, obviating the need to give out free things. 

What is the process for consumers to sign up for direct shipping?

So, who is getting this excess stock? Savvy buyers who have done their homework and investigated which vendors provide direct delivery options are in the know. 

Customers can’t simply go into their Prime account and fill out a form since Amazon Direct Shipping isn’t linked with Amazon. 

They’ll need to look into the following web sites to see whether vendors give freebies: 5

  • Facebook Groups — A search on Facebook for “direct ship” groups will provide a plethora of results. The following are some popular/vetted pages:
  • Freebies & More from KC’s Direct Ship (17.2K members; membership is by invitation only)
  • Unicorn Gifts/Surprise Freebies/Direct Ship (26.6K members, must request to join) 
  • Freebies, direct shipping, and a good time (13.4K members, must request to join)
  • Websites with Freebies – When you Google “how to obtain free goods online,” you’ll receive more spam than anything else. Shoppers might look at the following legitimate freebie websites for direct delivery offers:
  • Deals & Steals on the Internet
  • Queen of Consumption 
  • Please give me some freebies.
  • Upfreebie 
  • Reddit — When looking for freebies, some buyers are daring enough to delve down the Reddit rabbit hole. r/freebies, which has over 778K users, is a popular sub-Reddit for Direct Ship fans. 

Once a customer has selected a site that they feel is reputable, they will complete out a Direct Ship form that includes their name, address, email address, and phone number. 

What Are the Benefits of Amazon Direct Shipping for Businesses?

If a company decides to utilize Amazon’s Fulfillment by Amazon service, they must also decide whether or not to use Amazon Direct Shipping. 

A vendor will want to know what the customer experience is like before making any commercial decisions.

If customers who get free things have a favorable experience with Amazon Direct Shipping, it’s possible that it may enhance vendor-to-shopper interaction and assist a small company reach a new audience. 

Consumers benefit from Amazon Direct Shipping in the following ways:5

  • Free items, in two words.
  • Any undesirable freebies received by the customer might be donated or regifted. 
  • This allows customers to sample items and brands they may not have heard of previously. 

The biggest advantage for Amazon Direct Ship vendors is that they may interact with a wide range of customers who would not have known about their product otherwise. The idea is that they’ll get a freebie they like, then go to Amazon and buy additional goods from this company. 

Customers should be aware that, as wonderful as Amazon Direct Shipping is, there are certain drawbacks to consider: 

  • The disadvantage of Amazon Direct Shipping is that all of these other sources that promote businesses giving freebies are not guaranteed to have the vendor’s or the consumer’s best interests in mind.
  • Risk to your company’s reputation — There’s a good chance that a scam is blooming among all the genuine web services, and you don’t want to be connected with any bad headlines surrounding such illicit conduct. 

If you opt to utilize Amazon Direct Shipping instead of paying a long-term FBA charge, keep an eye on the sites mentioned above to make sure your company’s brand isn’t linked to any unlawful conduct or bad press. 

With Power Digital Marketing, you can master Amazon Direct Shipping, Advertising, and More. 

As an individual seller on Amazon, it’s difficult to stand out. Sellers must be continually watchful in order to stay up with Amazon’s ever-changing algorithms (hello, Jeff Bezos-produced products and services). 

If you’re new to Amazon or want to better your standing inside the system, hiring a professional Amazon marketing management team to simplify your ecommerce offers may be in your best interest. 

Power Digital Marketing has a solid grasp of how Amazon works and can help you grow your business by reaching out to new consumers and cultivating loyal followers, all while getting you more bang for your buck. 6 

The SagaReach Marketing team can assist your organization better understand the benefits and drawbacks of Amazon services such as Amazon Moments and Prime Wardrobe, so you can make the best choices for your firm. 



  1. Pulse of the MarketPlace. Amazon Marketplace has a large number of sellers. 
  2. Amazon. The Amazon Beginner’s Guide to Selling 
  3. Entrepreneur’s Guide to Starting an Amazon Fulfillment Business. 
  4. Seller Central on Amazon. =sdus soa bg xscus 201074400&initialSessionID=apay percent 3D145-2248296-6342933&ld=NSGoogle&initialSessionID=apay percent 3D145-2248296-6342933&in 
  5. Thrifty Introvert is a term used to describe a person who is frugal The Ultimate Guide to Amazon Direct Ship 
  6. Digital marketing is a powerful tool. Amazon Marketing Services is a service provided by Amazon. 

Direct shipping is a service offered by Amazon that allows sellers to send items directly from their warehouse to the customer. This means that there is no need for a middleman and the seller can save on fees. Direct shipping forms 2021 are available in PDF format so you can create your own direct shipment form. Reference: direct shipping forms 2021.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Amazon shipping work for sellers?

A: Amazon first ships the items to the warehouse and then they are sold. The seller is charged when their item leaves their inventory or reaches a destination that it was shipped from, but not at all during shipping.

How do I manage shipping when selling on Amazon?

A: Amazon does not ask for personal information like addresses or phone numbers. If you do have a shipping address, it is better to use the Fulfillment by Amazon service which handles all of that work for you and will also provide tracking on your items when they are shipped out from their warehouse.

Is Amazon Direct ship legit?

A: Yes, Amazon Direct ship is an official website of the company.

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