10 Content Marketing Articles Readers (Like You) Loved This Year

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Content marketing is a strategy that marketers use to create and distribute valuable, authentic content online with the objective of attracting prospects into becoming customers. This article has 10 articles readers (like you) loved this year.

Content marketing is a type of marketing that focuses on creating and distributing valuable, consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. This article will look at 10 articles readers (like you) loved this year. Read more in detail here: blog content marketing.

10 Content Marketing Articles Readers (Like You) Loved This Year

10-Content-Marketing-Articles-Readers-Like-You-Loved-This-YearHow many of SagaReach Marketing’s 249+ blog pieces were you able to read in 2021? I read each one since it’s my job, but I’m sure just a few others did. I understand — we’re constantly assaulted with information.

To make it easier for everyone to see the highlights, I compiled a list of the top ten most popular pieces from the previous year using data from BuzzSumo and Google Analytics (including social shares, email conversions, page visits, and unique linking domains) as well as some editorial judgment.

All of these articles have one thing in common: the writers give a wealth of information that you can put to use right away in your content marketing.

Because everyone these days is pressured for time, I organized the articles by reading time (shortest to longest). I hope they’re as useful to you as they were to me.

Reading time: 4 minutes

Kate Bradley Chernis is the author of this book.

Why should you read this? You don’t have to follow all of those English courses from school in your writing, but you should make sure the substance is excellent. Kate discusses five “quick and simple” methods to spice up your content and attract your audience to read and act.

Tip for Twitter:

It’s a good idea to read your work aloud. According to @LatelyAIKately via @Brandlovellc @SagaReach MarketingContent, if it feels weird coming out of your mouth, it will read uncomfortably to the #content consumer. To Tweet, just click here.

Reading time: 7 minutes

Nady Khoja is the author of this piece.

Why should you read this? Repurposing may help you reduce your content generation effort no matter how big your team is. It’s also a great method to get your material in front of a wider audience in forms they prefer. Nadya explains how to get the most out of the material you’re producing. This is for everyone who has ever wished they didn’t have so many articles to write or edit in such a short amount of time, or who has struggled to create enough fresh material for various platforms.

Tip for Twitter:

Smaller chunks of #content may be spun out from a bigger one. Or, as @NadyaKhoja of @Brandlovellc @SagaReach MarketingContent suggests, merge many blog pieces into a thorough guide. To Tweet, just click here.

Reading time: 8 minutes

Kim Moutsos is the author of this piece.

Why should you read this? If you think that ideas will always come to you when you need them, don’t read it. However, when you’re ready to delve in and discover the hidden content possibilities all around you, take a look at this one. Kim walks you through the process of locating basic materials and turning them into something spectacular.

Tip for Twitter:

Examine your rivals’ work for subjects, audience responses, and distribution methods. Then, according to @KMoutsos of @SagaReach MarketingContent, outdo them. To Tweet, just click here.

Reading time: 11 minutes

Shane Barker is the author of this piece.

Why should you read this? Perhaps you already have a sufficient number of conversions. But are you willing to settle for good enough? Shane shares methods for increasing conversion rates, including how to make your content more appealing from the headline through the calls to action.

Tip for Twitter:

The bait is your headline. According to @shane barker of @SagaReach MarketingContent, your intro is the hook. To Tweet, just click here.

Reading time: 11 minutes

Jodi Harris is the author of this piece.

Why should you read this? The effect of your content marketing effort on your company’s bottom line will determine its success. Jodi provides advice, templates, and procedures to ensure that you’re measuring (and acting on) the right things.

Tip for Twitter:

Determine which #ContentMarketing objectives to assess and which metrics to monitor, according to @joderama through @Brandlovellc @SagaReach MarketingContent. To Tweet, just click here.

Reading time: 15 minutes

Mike Murray is the author of this piece.

Why should you read this? The year 2021 is nearly gone. However, the 21 SEO recommendations, tools, methods, and trends presented by Mike Murray at the start of the year might still help you defend your rankings — and perhaps even gain an advantage.

Tip for Twitter:

According to @MikeOnlineCoach through @Brandlovellc @SagaReach MarketingContent, @Google’s passages feature lets searchers identify bits of web page #content that answer their inquiries, which might aid #SEO efforts. To Tweet, just click here.

Reading time: 17 minutes

Darek Black is the author of this piece.

Why should you read this? To entice readers to return, subscribe to your newsletter, purchase your product, or take another desired action, your content must earn their trust. They may never return if your material is stiff, monotonous, or intellectual. The antidote to monotonous material is conversational copy. Darek gives advice (rather than rules) for creating material that allows people to interact with one another.

Tip for Twitter:

Dismiss the grammatical rule that states you should never conclude a sentence with a preposition in the sake of conversational #copy, argues @ContentStride via @Brandlovellc @SagaReach MarketingContent. To Tweet, just click here.

Reading time: 18 minutes

Stephanie Stahl is the author of this piece.

Why should you read this? The Visual Storytelling Summit, hosted by SagaReach Marketing, included tales, lessons, and examples that inspired, made people laugh, weep, and encourage them. Stephanie summarizes the highlights that you may have missed (or forgotten about). You may also view each session on demand by clicking through to it (a single registration form gives you access to all the sessions you select).

Tip for Twitter:

According to @dylan hey of @EditorStahl @Brandlovellc @SagaReach MarketingContent, livestreaming may help you establish your brand, interact with your audience on a deeper level, and enhance the sales process and cycle. To Tweet, just click here.

Reading time: 22 minutes

Ann Gynn is the author of this piece.

Why should you read this? We asked Content Marketing World presenters what it is about our industry that bothers them earlier this year. They had a lot to say when they returned. Many of their remarks may be grouped into three categories: strategy, audience, and substance. Check out this list to see whether your pet peeves about the sport we all love made the cut (and ideas for what you can do to counter them).

Tip for Twitter:

According to @carlijnpostma through @AnnGynn @Brandlovellc @SagaReach MarketingContent, it’s time to start developing evergreen #content and stop spending time, money, and energy on throwaway, single-use material. To Tweet, just click here.

Reading time: 26 minutes

Aaron Orendorff is the author of this piece.

What you’ll learn: Aaron’s post consistently ranks towards the top of readers’ favorite lists. (We revised it early this year after it initially debuted in 2016.) What makes it so popular? It’s difficult to know which social media platforms to invest in, and it appears to be becoming more convoluted every year. Fifty of the most powerful internet marketers reveal their favorite social networking tool (and why they love it). Although not every tool on the list will be appropriate for you, it’s a good place to start your investigation (or get social proof for products you’re already investigating).

Tip for Twitter:

Use video text overlays – According to @MariSmith of @SagaReach MarketingContent, 80 percent of video advertising on #Facebook are seen without sound. To Tweet, just click here.

We’re grateful to our readers and writers for sharing their expertise with us. If you want to write for us in 2022, read our blogging standards first, then follow the submission steps.

Don’t miss out on SagaReach Marketing’s 249+ blog entries in 2022. Register for a free daily or weekly email.

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The “serious mistakes in content marketing that cost companies” is a list of 10 articles that readers loved this year. The article includes links to the articles, as well as information on how to avoid making these mistakes.

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